
Commercial and retail architecture in Granada

The architect is the professional profile best prepared to take care of a store project, formalizing it through the entire brand value chain, the retail strategy and transferring it to the physical commercial space. His humanistic profile and transversal vision of the project allows him to capture sensations and experiences in the physical store. In fact, retail and architecture go hand in hand because they converge in the need to introduce the product and brand experience through space.

Loreto Spá Arquitectos, architecture studio, has been trained as designers of commercial spaces by taking a master’s degree at the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Barcelona and we have specialized in commercial and retail space design to know and understand the new market trends, which can be summarized as follows:

  • Structural change: only brands that put themselves at the service of the consumer and think about their contents and personalize their physical space according to the user’s lifestyle will survive.
  • The store is transformed in the concept and in the experiential experience, which offers an immersion of the brand to the customer. We are talking about emotional engagement.
  • The use of new technologies has taken stores to a new level, characterized by a wide variety of possibilities for disseminating content and interaction.

The architect can offer a wide range of services in the retail sector, such as space virtualization (applying technology in the store); retail expansion (in charge of finding the most suitable premises for the concepts created by the brand); manager (in charge of channeling information); director (in addition to managing, they influence strategic decision making); scouting (from a much more professional point of view, they offer a global vision of the market). In essence, therefore, we are talking about innovation.

Commercial architecture

  • Commercial premises projects
  • Design of stores and commercial premises
  • Design of commercial spaces
  • Interior design of commercial premises

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